Purchasing Services
Canaveral Port Authority's Purchasing Services strives to provide efficient, timely, ethical procurement practices and excellent customer service.
Our experienced and dedicated staff work closely with all departments and vendors to identify and source goods and services needed to keep Port Canaveral operations running smoothly. Purchasing Services has been assigned specific commodity areas as outlined on the Staff Responsibilities List. Vendors are encouraged to utilize this list to identify the appropriate buyer contact information. Please call for scheduled appointments. Cold calling is not productive. Vendors also are encouraged to attend the Port Authority's reverse trade shows, which will provide access to Purchasing Services, as well as representatives from all departments. Please check back to see when the next event is scheduled.
We value your input and suggestions. Please send your comments to purchasing@portcanaveral.com
Purchasing Central Warehouse
All deliveries to Canaveral Port Authority (unless noted otherwise) should be shipped to the address listed below:
Central Warehouse Receiving
399 Challenger Road
Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920
Open 8 AM to Noon
Closed for Lunch from Noon to 1PM
Open 1PM to 4PM