A Commitment to Natural Resources in Harmony with Economic Growth
Ports, by their very nature, tend to occupy fragile environments. Our most
important task as Port guardians is to protect this environment. In peak condition, our land and waters can support the well-being and interests of groups as diverse as the cruise and cargo industries, the coastal residential community, and Florida’s special animal and plant populations. It is a workplace, a home and a key element in our planet’s system of self-renewal.
It is our job to maintain, and when necessary restore, the critical balance of physical conditions that allows Port Canaveral to fulfill its many functions. For an environmentally sensitive area as large and active as Port Canaveral, this requires commitment on a daily basis. The Canaveral Port Authority has a number of environmental initiatives driven by this commitment.
• Artificial Reef Habitats
• Beach Renourishment
• Canaveral Harbor Sand Bypass Project
• Water Quality Monitoring
• Wildlife Protection - Imperiled Species
• Sea Turtle Season Notice
Port Canaveral Environmental Stewardship
The Canaveral Port Authority is committed to environmental stewardship and concerned for our Indian River Lagoon: As a governmental body with public responsibility, the Canaveral Port Authority has been – and continues to be – committed to protecting the environment in which we all live and work, ensuring our resources are in harmony with Port Canaveral’s economic growth, maintaining the highest levels of environmental responsibility to the region.
• Green Marine Environmental Certification* awarded in February 2015; recertification earned through June 2024. Green Marine certification is a voluntary initiative for ports and others in the marine industry in the U.S., Canada and around the globe. This certification is recognized globally as the benchmark of best practices and achievement of environmental performance excellence. Port Canaveral is one of only two Florida ports to earn this certification. Details on Green Marine’s certification policy and process can be found here: https://green-marine.org/certification/
• Port Canaveral’s hazardous materials and spill prevention plan exceeds federal, state and local requirements and involves detailed preventive measures, regular staff training and mandatory coordination with all regulatory and reporting agencies.
• The Port is an active member in the American and Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Associations.
• Port Canaveral does not use septic systems. Port wastewater flows through a Port-owned and maintained sewer system to the City of Cocoa Beach advanced wastewater treatment plant.
• All Port stormwater at the Port is treated for nutrient reduction and discharged as clean water into Canaveral Harbor and not the Banana River.
The Port has invested millions of dollars in stormwater improvements and environmental initiatives to ensure water quality and habitat protection: As stewards of Port Canaveral – the maritime asset entrusted to the Port Commissioners by the Florida Legislature and the people of the Port District – the Port has for decades proactively dedicated resources and invested in preventive measures and infrastructure to protect and improve the condition of the environment in and around the Port.
• Spending $120,000 annually in monthly water quality monitoring and testing in Canaveral Barge Canal (Banana River and Indian River Lagoon), Canaveral Harbor and adjacent beaches. Port Canaveral is one of only a few U.S. seaports sustaining a long-term water quality monitoring program with a database going back to the early 1990s.
The Canaveral Port Authority has long been a responsible community partner for healthy waterways: As Port guardians, one of our most important tasks is to protect this environment. Our land and waters must support the well-being and interests of our cruise and cargo partners, the coastal residential community, and Florida’s special animal and plant populations, many of which are unique to the IRL environment. We are a workplace, a home and a key component in ensuring the viability of our region’s ecosystem. That’s why we have been and continue to be fully engaged in sustaining healthy waterways for our region, particularly the Indian River Lagoon.
• We have proactively invested millions of dollars in building and maintaining our infrastructure to ensure every drop of rainwater that falls on the Port goes through Portowned and maintained stormwater treatment and retention systems with only clean water discharged in the Canaveral Harbor, not the Banana River.
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Marine Life, A Childrens Activity Book
This activity book introduces you to the fascinating marine life in and around Port Canaveral. A healthy harbor is vital to support the diverse marine communities. Please do your part to recycle or dispose of trash and unused fishing line. Pick up some extra for good measure! We hope you enjoy your visit!!
To complete your activity book from your PC/MAC simply follow the instructions below:
1). Download Marine Life, A Children's Activity Book PNG
2). In the new window, "right-click" the image and save image as "Activity Book".
3). Open the PNG file labeled "Activity Book" in Paint (PC) or Paintbrush (MAC)
4). Enjoy!