Pursuit of VW Plant Proves Canaveral A Top Contender for Auto Imports/Exports

PORT CANAVERAL, FL— February 11, 2015 – As one of two finalists for Volkswagen’s North American auto distribution center, Port Canaveral is well positioned to attract other automakers interested in its unique auto parking facility, a major step in cargo expansion under way at central’s Florida’s maritime gateway to the global marketplace.
JaxPort was selected for Volkswagen’s new import center, a win for the state of Florida, which agreed to provide a $10 million construction grant to the winning Florida seaport.
“We were happy to team with WWL, one of the world’s leading logistics and auto processing firms, and thank them for allowing us to present our innovative project that we believe will serve as a template for future Ro/Ro terminals,” said Port Canaveral CEO John E. Walsh. “We also thank Volkswagen for seeing the value of relocating from Brunswick, Georgia and bringing their business to a Florida seaport. We congratulate our colleagues at JaxPort for being selected.” 
Port Canaveral’s auto terminal design is a seven-story, state-of-the-art garage that would accommodate 7500 vehicles and a nearby 60,000 square foot processing complex.