Governor DeSantis Issues Executive Order on Recreational Boating

Florida Governor DeSantis issues an Executive Order which pertains to recreational boating restrictions and social distancing for recreational vessels.. Below are the portions that refer to recreational boating.  See the entire executive order below.

3. I further determine that vessels accessing the waters of the state that do not follow the requirements outlined below constitute a "hazard to public safety" during this public health emergency; and
4. I hereby designate all waters of the state to be a boating-restricted area and the owners and operators of recreational vessels, as defined ins. 327.02, F.S., thereon are subject to the following restrictions:
a. Recreational vessel occupancy is limited to no more than 10 persons per vessel; and
b. A minimum distance of 50 feet between recreational vessels and any other vessel shall be maintained;
i. This distance provision does not apply to permitted mooring fields, public or private marinas, or any other permanently installed wet slips, and does not apply to vessels underway unless they are tied, rafted or moored to another vessel.”
Executive Order Recreational Vehicles COVIDExecutive Order Recreational Vehicles COVID 2Executive Order Recreational Vehicles COVID 3